We want that education by which character is formed,strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which, one can stand in one's own feet. Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.


my website:http://www.shyamconnect.com

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Synonymous with Stupid things.

What is the meaning of ‘it’s your funeral’?

This is an expression that is mostly used in informal contexts. When you tell someone that it’s his funeral, what you mean is that the thing he intends to do is rather stupid. In other words, it’s your way of warning the person that he has made a wrong decision, and he is the one who is going to suffer the consequences.

*You want to go for a walk at this time of the night? It’s your funeral.

Courtesy-Know Your English-The Hindu.

Depromoted or Demoted

Is it okay to say, ‘He’s been depromoted’?

No, it isn’t. Although ‘depromoted’ is a possible word, it does not exist; no dictionary lists it. The word that you have in mind is ‘demoted’. When you ‘demote’ someone, you lower his rank or position.

After the trial, my cousin was demoted from colonel to captain.

Courtesy : Know Your English -The HIndu

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Felt like typing,,,,That's it.

Guys, have to say that my knowledge on computer has to be improved.
Sometimes I find that im no where.
I like attending quiz.Because I beleive that it can tell me where I stand.
Got this while attending IT Quiz in CIT.

Explain 5-4-3 rule?
In a Ethernet network, between any two points on the network, there can be no more than five network segments or four repeaters, and of those five segments only three of segments can be populated.

What is SVN?

Subversion (SVN) is a version control system initiated in 2000 by CollabNet Inc. It is used to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation. Its goal is to be a mostly-compatible successor to the widely used Concurrent Versions System (CVS).

Subversion is well-known in the open source community and is used on many open source projects, including Apache Software Foundation, KDE, GNOME, Free Pascal, FreeBSD, GCC, Python, Django, Ruby, Mono, SourceForge.net, ExtJS and Tigris.org. Google Code also provides Subversion hosting for their open source projects. BountySource systems use it exclusively. Codeplex offers access to both subversion as well as other types of clients.

Subversion is also being adopted in the corporate world. In a 2007 report by Forrester Research, Subversion was recognized as the sole leader in the Standalone Software Configuration Management (SCM) category and a strong performer in the Software Configuration and Change Management (SCCM) category.[1]

Subversion is released under the Apache License, making it free software.