It's been so long...since my last blog.
Thought to share some interesting vocabularies with you all.
So, from where shall we start.
There are always two things that occurs in our life. One thing is, all ordinary and everyday stuffs.
And the other one is some unusual and interesting.
Let us take a look on vocabularies that are centered around these two ideas.
I will start from the idea of everyday,common and routine. Let us spec this idea in a wider perspective. Means, everything that is worldly and that is not outstanding or unusual.The supplant for this idea is the word "Mundane". The word "Humdrum" is synonymous with Mundane.
Now let us think about the people and behavior whose life is Mundane. Common people of the world can be referred to as "Plebeian".
It is no wonder that common people lapse into common expressions.Many of us must have heard the expressions like "and they lived happily ever after" ,"down to earth" , "Leaps and bounds". These are the common phrases that has evolved over times. They are still in use. If we have to give a word for these kind of expressions, what can we give?.
We can give words like Hackneyed, Trite, Banal, Quotidian. If those common phrases are more specific to tongue rather than pen, then we can give it the word "Cliche".
If you have to think of other words that falls under this idea. You will probably emanate with Vapid and Pedestrian.
Now let us move onto the next side of the coin..oh..sorry for this hackneyed.
That which is unusual and interesting.
The common word that one can come out with, for this idea would be "UNIQUE" , "RARE".
But you know, there are some good pool of words for this school of thought...Come let us explore.
Anything that cannot be imitated easily is unusual...right?. So the word is Inimitable.
Let's get an adoption from French to reinforce this idea...The adopted word is "nonpareil". nonpareil means "no parallel". That has no parallel is unusual and interesting. So the next word is nonpareil.
Have you ever walked alone in the Stygian darkness of the deep forests, especially at time 12.00.
One may feel ghastly and afraid. Feel like someone at your back. No wonder, you are going through "Eerie". Unearthly is synonymous with Eerie.
Other words from this pool are singular, atypical, unwonted, peerless.
Believe...All got a clever sweep of these ideas...The usual and unusual.
Now you have option between ideas to live with...Mundane or Unique.
Think, you go with the latter...see you after.