Server...It is a buzzword that comes to our mind when we think of any company's network.Let me take privilege to introduce you to my new friend called Server. Before telling more about him. I will get on to some basics first. When two or more computers are connected, it is called as a network.When network is thought of as a parent then it has two children. They are Peer to Peer network and Client Server Network. In a Peer-to-Peer network computers are connected together and they do not have any common instructor. Each node in this network are with the same level of responsibilities and they execute at the same level.But without an instructor, network cannot give its best.
So here comes our instructor called the Server to rescue the situation and thus paving the way for better Networking. And he is none other than the one and only server.So when a server instructs the other clients of its network then it becomes a Client-Server Network model.
An organisation may have umpteen number of computers connected to a network.The server controlling all these computers is not an easy job.
There are many program codes that are running behind the server operating system that makes it a efficient ruler of the network kingdom.
The system programming of the server will always leave a lasting impression on a programmer's mind.
So let us get into some real techy now...
How does the server organize the highly complicated networking nodes?.
It's because of a facility in which all the nodes(computers, switches and routers etc) are treated as objects. The information about nodes like computer name ,router name etc are treated as attributes of the object.There are certain functions in this object that are capable of performing various functions that easily maintains the communication between all the nodes of the network.
These methods also help in efficient security and management of each and every nodes. In short, there are some object oriented codes that does the trick.The nodes have higher level of customization as the codes have higher level of complexity..This would add more meaning when seen in a programmers point of view.
Microsoft calls this facility as ACtive directory. And if we are able to create a facility like this then we can call it whatever we like. Imagine that we have created a facility like this and we call it as ? ! ? !.Something like Server Soul,Client's Gettogether or whatever we like.
But microsoft calls this facility as Active directory. So we call it Active directory for now.
Most people confuse Domain Controller and Active directory. I will make it so simple for you.When the Active Directory is installed in the server then the server becomes the domain controller.Because the active directory gives the server to control the nodes of the particular networking domain. Still feel like writing a lot...But let me stop here and find another occasion to adding more on this.
What better way to understand object oriented concepts. :)